The fact is that we are no longer able to live without brands, and no matter how hard we try to imagine a "brandless" world (interestingly, this name is a newly repositioned and successful brand), I believe that it would not be complete.
Brands make us feel fulfilled, give meaning to many moments of our daily life, and give a reason for the existence of an economy.
So, what is the criterion? What makes us, the consumers, decide to choose a product? What makes us choose this product over another? What kind of "fulfillment" is brought to our lives int that moment when we decide to choose a particular product?
Analyzing the whole value chain of brand building, from the moment where a consumer (or a market) identifies its need for a product, or the complete experience that it has when using that product, where can we find the true secret that makes brands relevant to the consumer? Where do we find that "click" that makes us feel satisfied? Who never felt "filled in" by buying an Apple product, sipping a Starbucks coffee, posting a photo on Instagram, eating a Santini ice cream, climbing the Eiffel Tower, praising Ronaldo? (or, at least, buying a brand in whose ads he stars?)
Where is that engagement? That experience? That gratification we feel by consuming, that "moment"?